Tuesday, March 4, 2008


אמנע מרשעים אורם

There is a lot of good stuff to write about but it's the less-then-good stuff that sometimes needs to be tended to as well, so ...

שני נבאים מתנבאין בסגנון אחד

The old friends received their vibes and hashpoes from the same source down south. The nebech'l pours out his distaste for all those who are in love with themselves (it's a charge reserved for those to whom, I guess, no other charge sticks). The slab of non-conformism that he purchased and swallowed without chewing awakes the hippie within him, and with subtle wrath he hammers away on the tiny shaved hats of his plump snag neighbors whose sin is having two cars and an orderly lawn, yet davening on time.

"Davening on time" is a subject onto himself. Personally, I'm probably the most egregious violator of these rules; but I never learned to actually take pride in this. If someone can manage to do as supposed to, and on top of this to mean the words one says - nu, good for them; give respect where it's due. Still, in the best traditions of סוף מסכתא סוטא , a blind man as myself will proceed to practice ophtalmology as the generations require ...

What is really interesting is that while nebech'l may very proudly daven up a Shacharis at 2 pm, as is customary by some, just go and try to set up a Mincha minyan 3 minutes after his zman is gone. By "rov hooilom" it's still another hour to daven; most people whose pictures Mr. Right so liberally slaps around had no issue, certainly not bedieved, with davening after his shkiya.

Forget about davening; the Shiny New Shul with a Sparkling New Mikva on Rt. 306 is notorious for a truly fascist mikvah policy when on Friday evening the doors get shut precisely the second Mr. Right's people decided the "cutoff" time is, and G-d help some poor soul who would like to go toivel before Shabos and didn't have a chance to do so before Kapos in Kapotas decided it's time to close shop. In President's words, don't make mistake - he's not "liberal about zmanim"; some people are outspokenly lax when it suits them, but are ever as judgemental when it does not.

There are so many more instances of the Nyiredhazer hippie's & Co blind love to himself, but we aren't here to see in demise of this entertainer. After all, he thinks that he means well.

Not so with his cousin, the obnoxious farfallene masriach. In a new round of fictional reality, one deranged resident lunatic of that blog (I believe he is נקוב בשם Yochanan Lavie) made out of thin air a story about a poor old "MO" Jew who isn't counted by the evil Williamsburg charedichassidim in the minyan, so that he's forced to walk the bridge to daven in an Modern Orthodox shul in Lower East Side. As a permanent feature, this Lavie imbecile specializes in the most repulsive fake mayses about everyone he doesn't like (the circle of those he likes is rather narrow; so far they wouldn't even count enough for a mezuman).

The owner of the blog uses this implausible piece of fiction to continue his call for "stopping all donations" and "cutting the funds to haredim", as if someone would think he and that crowd ever gave a penny to anyone except perhaps Barbara Streisand's campaign to save the Antarctic Polar Bear. The deranged commentators further embellish the story, "hassidim" become evil Satmars as is customary on his blog (and on the nebechl's, too) and by the end, poor old Modern Orthodox has to crawl over the bridge under the cover of night while Satmars are shooting at him from their Hungarian rifles.

That this story is BS is no doubt - not just that it's well known that the both Satmarer rebbes z"l had shaved old people on their front row on Y"K and R"H; that the Divrei Yoel chastized one of his bochurim who made fun of a beardless person who came in as a tenth to be mashlim a minyan. Williamsburg has shuls on every block, some are decent and some are nuthouses but that's the territory; and somehow I don't but that the one shul where they actually count people for a minyan on Shabbos would have a problem with an old shaved jew, MO or not.

A curious comment that draws parallel to this case speaks of a female convert who went on to marry a cohen right after the conversion and was "mistreated" by some school in the UK. The school bears the full wrath of these degenerates, complete with allegations of racism and other parallels that no sane person would hint at. I wonder, is the uncounted old shaved man also a victim of such "mistreatment" ? Perhaps the story does have legs, and they caught him "in act" and thus he became persona non grata ? Who knows. And who cares ...

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