Wednesday, May 28, 2008

On age of the universe

A rather beaten topic of j blogger controversy, now it's caught attention of the down to Earth crowd who are demanding answers. Disappointment by the meager weight of R' Arye Kaplan's work on the subject and its inconclusiveness, naturally our oyfgekleter yungeleit would like to know : What Gives ?

The simple answer to this is, of course, age old "RTHM". It's all in there, for those following advice of the forefathers ("Разуй глаза, мудило" et cetera).

But really, those who choose to attack yiddishkeit using this as an argument are usually either misinformed, biased or blatantly ignorant. Even if we put aside the fact that it's our Sages and our sources who pioneered many - dozens and dozens - fundamental concepts that the world is just coming to understand via rigorous and scientific means (concepts that were usually discarded by the lesser brains as "stam agaddata") - dealing with curvitude of space-time, the fundamental property of light and importance of its propagation speed, measuring of vast distances with "years" and such - putting all that aside, question that still remains is how do we fit 5768 years sinse creation with the observable physical "reality".

To address this properly one could delve, foremost, into ontological relativity - and from there on using heavy tools like Quine and Tarski - take the question apart. But that would be boring and counterproductive for some intended purposes.

One could also [ab]use lighter, more versatile and more practical instruments. First that comes to mind, of course, is relativity. Just the basics of it, mind you. We could pose a relatively trivial question - assuming that

1. speed of light is more-less constant; and
2. Minkovski did a good job describing our world with three spatial and one temporal coordinate

question is - given that _we_ observe the Age of Universe to be a period of X (13.73 is a consensus figure, I hear) billion years, how does an Observer B have to move and where would Observer B be positioned to have the 5678 year period meaningfully correspond to the X billion years ?

Just by applying basic Lorenz transformation formulas, and by adding a few more assumption, we can start producing mind-shattering results.

For someone right at the Edge of the Universe (as per wikipedia, 4.6e10 light years away from Earth) and moving at the speed equal to about 28.6% of speed of light (very reasonable speed for someone right at the edge) would be celebrating a very real 5768 Rosh haShana right about now, having celebrated first or second one about 13.729 billion years ago in our days.

Someone a lot closer - just one billion years away - could do the same by stepping on the gas pedal, all the way to 80.8% of the speed of light.

There are many, many more ways to slice it; I'm sure that someone who actually knows something about the subject can show real wonders. Call it curve fitting or kiruv, but there are just so many ways to approach the numbers that the real question is where to draw the line. But no informed person, in their right mind and without agenda, would use the "primitiveness" of the age of the universe against Judaism. Nobody, that is, except some of ours.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The spelling problem in our law enforcement

It seems that the New York's Finest could use a crash course in spelling. Just look at what they have to say about the pesky inhabitants of PCTs 66, 71 and such (warning : profanity ahead)

I'm watching the news and had to have a good laugh it seems that a hasid was assaulted and it was deemed a bias crime and the hasids are demanding more police and that the perp be caught right away,the same group of people that assaulted a teenager a few weeks ago and they will not give him up(yes I know the victim of the earlier assault is the son of a MOS)
Due to the latest multitude of black-on-Jew violence in Crown Heights and the growing frustration within the community of the lack of Police intervention, members of the community have staged a march of protest. Three hundred Jewish neighborhood people marched down Empire Blvd. passed the 71st Police Precinct to let their voices be heard. The crowd then proceeded to march to Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue where they have blocked the street and closed traffic in both directions. Instead of listening to the communities pleas for protection, the Police are now dispatching a task force to dismantle the march.
Police are now at Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue. They have roped off the street and are containing the crowd to that one block with traffic still blocked. A Police negotiation team has been dispatched to the scene to calm the community.
With these fvcking $hitbag hasids..nearly all assaults on them on upgraded...F THem!!! Tired of of the pandering that goes on with that community..Cross bred mothfvkcers with their gene pool so F'd up that all them share DNA..ridiculous.. F them!!
I cant wait to retire and move the F out of NYC. THe Evil J's run the whole damn city
Any other group in NYC and there would be a bunch of collars off of this, not with the Hasidic community, they run the city and get whatever they want...
There were numerous photos of that incident taken by a photographer that day that were all over the news. Some shot inside the S/H. I remember one politician (may have been Dov Hikind..Im not sure..) screaming like a biatch in the street. His wig had been severely adjusted by a nightstick. The look on his face said..."Oy...I cant believe some cop cracked my skull!" He was most definetely looking like a schmuck "wit a schmeer on top."
a hasid is a victim of a 34 and they want the world turned over. but when their buffy wannabe police force beats up a black kid for walking down the street, oy vey, vee didn't see nuttin. i'd rather have diapers thrown off project roofs at me in the 73 than have to work in the 66 or 71.
I want to see a boss (above captain) have the ballzzz to say, "LOCK THEM UP," when a protester disobeys a direct order to stay back or when a protester tries to shove a cop or a sergeant!! I want to see the cells loaded to capacity and listen to their supposed lawyers sit out front and scream about all those supposed civil rights and freedoms of speech!! And I want that same boss to smile to them and then turn his back and walk away from them, ignoring them all!!! I can dream, can't I???
I'm going to keep dreaming because, someday if not this year then in the future, some inspector or chief (as all humans do) will see that final line being crossed. And when he does, or when he comes to his senses, he'll cross his arms, look to his men and women, look back to the crowd, then yell "LOCK THEM ALL UP!" I PRAY TO GOD I LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO SEE THAT DAY!!
If the hasidic community , won't help our detectives in finding the person responsible for the assualt on the MOS's son ,, then we need to put a bug in there ear ,, and watch them scratch their ears like a dirty hounddog with ticks,, They can't violate VTL's... opps did i just run a red light ..! or is this a hydrant
A Big "F" YOU to the Hasidic community
Unreal how this job kisses the fvcking azzes of the Hasidic community. I am tired of seeing us respond to synagogues (sic) with 1 and 10 and HOW autos assigned to patrol the Hasidic areas...yeah turn out 3 cars for the tour and stay in alert the whole night but go have a slew of cops blow smoke up the azz of the Hasids while on fixers.. F you Hasidic idiots! When was the last time a synagogue was burned to the ground to broken into? I cant recall...but my Catholic Church gets the donation box broken into and burglarized but i never see any fixers from the pct sitting on my HOW!!!! Good for the Hasids but not good for Catholics!!! F YOU!!!! Meshiac this and that....I am tired of this!!!! Go bang your sister or cousin and have another F'd up would be impossible to find the perp among these clowns as they all look the same... F YOU...go march on Al Sharptons house...
Can you imagine if they ever do make a collar on the assault of the cops son?...How in the hell are you supposed to pick the guilty hasid out of that line up?
That perp is long gone. They never give one of their own up. Remember the grand rebbe's driver who ran a light, killed a kid and stirred up all that shite? You don't? Because he was long gone.
Yes Corruption. If a boss favors one community in order to get promoted, isnt that corruption? Don't Insperctors and chiefs make more than Captains? Of course they do. Years ago, the Bklyn South CO , Robert Johnson, made Chief of Dept thanks to his cowtowing to the Hasids. And with respect to Espo, he did the same in the 66. Chief Fox would sell his soul to please the Hasids. They may OK otherwise, but the were shameful in their dealings with the beards. The one exception, like him or not, was Chief George Brown. He would not back down when they surrounded marhsalls towing cars in Boro Park. He was DUMPED as the CO of PBBS for his stand. That was truly a disgraceful episonde in NYPD history. I always admired him for that. The Bklyn South bosses thought he was nuts. They didnt want anything to stand in the way of their promotion. Its corruption, pure and simple and its only getting worse. So called 'EMT' volunteers are racing all over Bklyn SOuth with red lights and sirens. There have been numerous cases when they have been found to be driving on personal business. I mentioned this to a Bklyn South Insperctor once and he looked at me like I came from Mars.'' And its not just the NYPD. A few yeshivas recently got federal homeland security funding to 'secure' their schools, courtesy of Congressman Weiner. I kid you not.
no doubt this is a bias crime. from doing way too many tours in the 66 and 71, i've realized some of the hasids are the most prejudiced around.
I agree unborn . This young man is the son of one of our brothers . The Bastards now have f*cked with family !
i've delt with these a-holes from time to time and let me tell you as a person of mixed decent that has walked around in their neigborhood after hours its not at all fun...
Im interested to know what the 71 will do in regards to this. I dont wanna hear "attend community meetings" either.
Not only will it not be treated as a hate crime, but I doubt if the perp will ever be arrested. The Hasidics are a privileged class in New York City.
This sounds like the work of La Kosher Nostra.
It can happen. Ive seen these fools do so much crap and get away with it. Thats why many times Id take my time going to their "jobs" and let the so called perp get away. My partner and I would do so much to get back at them.. ah.. the good ol' days.
Best night of my life besides during the Thompkins Square Park Melee was the Crown Heights riots. Just before Mayor Dinkins called for our retreat of the area we had a fine ole time adjusting the attitudes of these bottle throwing hasids. AAAAAAH yes I personally must have bludgeoned 4-7 men in black before the retreat was ordered. I know for a fact I left one poor sap unconscious on the floor. I guess he never threw bottles a cops again. Those were the days.
WTF is a Hasidic anti-crime neighborhood patrol? sounds like vigilanties to me, fugget, lockem all up.
For one Passover is not like Yom Kippur , its not a real religious Holiday. Hell they would lock up an Irishman on St Paddys Day and they would lock Dom up on Columbus Day and all of us could be locked up on Presidents Day . Saturday night after dark when they go trolling for trouble in their neighborhoods and then veer off to the rest areas to spie on couples engaged in activity, lets start pulling them over for everything from no brake lights to suspicion of DUI .
Just like clock work the threats of lawsuits rears its ugly head but in this case the shyster lawyers will get NOTHING and the rabbinical mope will get his justice. Suddenly it will be an interesting summer in Crown Heights. Oye Vey.
"maybe you now know why Adolf hated them."

"the beards look like homeless people because they never shower"

"Having to pick up some Hasidic @#%$'s wig because she has smutz on her hands and putting it back on her so she'll look sexy for her father/lover."

"2 of my favorite interactions with the Little Bastards" (referring to little kids asking questions)

"Well, at least he doesn't have to deal with those whining stinky skells anymore"

"The city only tolerates these animals because they are the biggest whiners"

"with there stupid azz sideburns all happy"


"I hope this MOS sues the f'king beard off of this sh!tbird."

"was in Hezbullah" (Referring to Hatzolah volunteer Ambulance)

"The smelly mafia"

"Even the female beards have the VAS tags on their minivans and go lights and sirens picking up their evil little offspring"

"I think we should be offered like a one day pass of 'bang out the beards' when they do something wrong"

"These horses aszes are a menice too all Brooklynites"

Remember : these are the people who swore to protect you. Full time. For pay.

And this brainiac insists that anti-Semitism doesn't exist, except maybe "in Russia". I guess when there's a baton sticking out of his צד השני, he'll change his mind ...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 9th - the V Day

Extensive but biased post here.

In the fifty or so years before the revolution, most representatives of organized religions, rabbonim in particular, showed utmost blindness and insensitivity to the plight of some 90% of your average Jew. Living in relative safety and stability while others starved away, the almost unequivocal support for the "melicha", constant collaboration with Okhranka, denouncing of all and every attempt to change the reality in more evolutionary way - and post-revolutionary antagonism of the new regime and failure to see the magnitude and depth of changes it brough about - all this was a defining factor in the relationship between Jews, Judaism and Communist Russia.

On the physical level, most Jews and certainly Jews as class reaped many benefits from the emancipation, removal of the Pale and subsequent move further east and availability of high education and better jobs, all of which were simply unthinkable under Tzar. Communist regime was responsible for evacuating the good part of surviving Jewry in the 40's and for breaking the back of the Germans.Instead of trying to stay out of politics and trying to get the best possible deal given the situation, the self-appointed leaders chose to antagonise the new regime, thus sealing the fate of spiritual Jewish life in Soviet Russia. That was often done from the safety of Jacob Schiff's funded operations in the States, and under a guise of "Struggle against Communism". This ended up costing many lives and many generations, and no attempt has been done to mitigate.

Today is May 9th, celebrated by many as the Victory Day for the Great Patriotic War. There is no sign of gratitude to the millions of Soviet soldiers, alive or not, whose resilience, dedication and selfnessness broke the back of Nazi Germany and assured survival of the world in general and of Jewish nation in particular. Completely underplayed in the popular Western view, these people played probably the most important role in the history of humanity and have very little to show for it. Many were Jewish. All males in my family fought on the frontlines and have more wounds and medals then I can ever count.

Most surviving veterans aren't homeless or hungry; both the State of Israel and the current rulers of former Soviet Union pay some pensions and throw them a bone here or there. Is it adequate ? How much is enough for those who very literally saved the world and paid for it with a leg, an arm, a lung ?

The sight of revisionism, recognizing Nazist collaborators with blood on their hands, as "freedom fighters" is rampant. Monuments to the fallen Waffen SS, UNA/UNSO, Bandera gangs became tolerable.

The least we can do is listen with respect.

בימים ההם ובעת ההיא נאום ה’ יבוקש את עוון ישראל ואיננו ואת חטאות יהודה ולא תימצאינה כי אסלח לאשר אשאיר

Feminism in New Square Part II - Friends in High Places

All those who ever had a shred of doubt about the new development in New Square Hatzalah - namely, active participation in it by women and blessing of such by Skvere rebbe zg"z - now there is a solid and unequivocal proof.

Leitzonei haDor, represented by the Spinker Oisvorf, condemned every aspect of this. He was unoriginal enough to use leshoinos brought down by me in the original mentioning of this - complete with "Chassidim Shoytim" and what have you. The general rule of thumb is that the more these talmidei Bilam "condemn" and disapprove of something new, rest assured that the development is a good one.

While I'm not familiar with the background of the decision to start their own Hatzolah, female participation - if other leitzonei hador won't peck it down - is truly revolutionary and wise. Foremost, Skvere Rebbe zg"z spoke of real life anecdotes of people who didn't want to call Hatzalah for because of gender / tznius reasons. He didn't in any way suggest that it's a right thing to do, as a humra, halacha or hanhaga. Nor are we aware of a case of women getting in serious danger because of this. But it can't fit into the tiny heads of our own Goebbelses that for what it's worth, a chassidishe lady just may have an issue with being handled by a yingerman - likely her relative, given the size of Skvere gene pool - in ways that don't belong on a family friendly resource.

There isn't a shred of attempt to see anything positive here. The fact that it's probably the first time these women can partake in communal activities in ways that don't include writing checks and cooking and doesn't include breaking any rules - and will without doubt save many lives - that bears no value whatsoever with our bean counters.

That it will remove any or most claims or realities of gender segregation and discrimination - disregarded as well.

That women will get trained in much needed medicinal, ER and hygienic skills - all forgotten.

That decision to call Hatzalah will be a trivial one and response time will improve - not a word on that.

And who will even mention that Rashi כל מקום שאתה מוצא גדר ערווה אתה מוצא קדושה . After all, it is an improvement in the ways his father set up the place.

None of the above present any interest or concern to this creature, pretending "to do what's right". Rather, the cause is turned into yet another fest of bashing Skver; it seems that smearing of Czernobyler kinder and as an extention all other kreyzen, chassidus'n, rebbes et al is a recurring theme and a preferred pastime of this degenerate and his real rebbes - the "it's alive" neurotic graphoman mentoblock and Failed Shmarya.

What can we say - good luck, Skvere weibelech; you'll need it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Feminism in New Square and role of woman in Hatzala

In the העיליגע שטעטיל סקװירא חדשה , there is a new initiative by the Rebbe's advice to create a Hatzala unit with women' participation. The usual suspects are already up in arms, blaming the victims-that-aren't-yet on the issue and complaining about "Hamiri Sakanta", "Heikhi dumi chodis shoite" and more. That's before ever giving subject a chance.

Truth is, one should give him the benefit of the doubt. First of all, many farfrumte heimishe ladies will feel way more comfortable treated by a woman then by a man, and the reality is that most chassidishe yingelait - Skveres in particular - have ingrown issues with treating women medically.

And when a patient is comforted and made feel at peace, that in itself is evry helpful in a whole lot of cases. Besides, I have a 100% assurance that there will be NO scenario like some are suggesting with waiting for women paramedics and doctors, and nobody will ask to wait for 5 minutes till a woman is available.

And women get both a zchus of being matzil nefushos, and more importantly TRAINING IN BASIC MEDICINE AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES and that's super important.

So it can be a very beneficial development at the end of the day. And least we forget the fact thatצדיקי סקװירא have for a long time been the most informed and knowledgeable in the field of practical medicine and quasi-medicinal advice and many outsiders without much vested ideology turned to them for eitzah vetoshiya ...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gestapo tactics of the Israeli police

As reported by Y-NET -,7340,L-3540707,00.html .

It seems that police, armed with mace, were waiting for a "just cause" at a demonstration by frum people, opposed to the Zionist regime and the State of Israel. As by a rehearsed scenario, an agent provocateur appeared few minutes before the siren with an Israeli flag - which, as he surely knew, is more then not just a symbol of all they stand against. Violence ensued and undercover police "rescued" the man by liberally spraying demonstrators' faces with tear gas.

Is everything really that well in that State that police must resort to stooges and provocators to punish politically incorrect demonstrators, who were on their territory and didn't harm or threaten anyone - until the much needed "victim" arrived ?

שטיק דרעק is back

The precious few months of silence from the schizophrenic graphoman, formerly known as the "tzemach author of the mentalblog", are officially over. Not able to acknowledge that his pathetic foray outside of the usual puddle of vomit failed miserably, he's back ever as pompous, vicious and lying - armed with Copy & Paste and deeply rooted love and friendship of Hershel R. of New Hempstead, the so call "antitzemach". Reassuring to know that the attempt to make a penny or two off his delusions, or to find more of Le Miserables failed without a bang. Alas, not even Gil Student is inclined to share electrons with this ...

The latter likes to pretend they're on different sides of the barricades, but they're not. It's a symbolic symbiotic partnership, and nothing comes easier then popular unity for the low scum as these two. It doesn't bother Hershel in the slightest that his mantoy from Boston speaks about Hershel's rebbe (as he pretends) with leshoinos that Hershel wouldn't use even towards his pet snag Belsky. The depth of hiskashrus is abysmal.

למהוי ידיע לכל מן דבעי, the first, last and every word in between of these and their kind is lie. That's the foundation. Be it chassidus or politics of communist Russia, it's all about lies and conformism. In 1970, people like these spent one day a week being debriefed in Lubyanka and rest of their time collecting valuable compromat on their peers. Thank God for Internet that keeps them busy and away from live humans.