Wednesday, May 7, 2008

שטיק דרעק is back

The precious few months of silence from the schizophrenic graphoman, formerly known as the "tzemach author of the mentalblog", are officially over. Not able to acknowledge that his pathetic foray outside of the usual puddle of vomit failed miserably, he's back ever as pompous, vicious and lying - armed with Copy & Paste and deeply rooted love and friendship of Hershel R. of New Hempstead, the so call "antitzemach". Reassuring to know that the attempt to make a penny or two off his delusions, or to find more of Le Miserables failed without a bang. Alas, not even Gil Student is inclined to share electrons with this ...

The latter likes to pretend they're on different sides of the barricades, but they're not. It's a symbolic symbiotic partnership, and nothing comes easier then popular unity for the low scum as these two. It doesn't bother Hershel in the slightest that his mantoy from Boston speaks about Hershel's rebbe (as he pretends) with leshoinos that Hershel wouldn't use even towards his pet snag Belsky. The depth of hiskashrus is abysmal.

למהוי ידיע לכל מן דבעי, the first, last and every word in between of these and their kind is lie. That's the foundation. Be it chassidus or politics of communist Russia, it's all about lies and conformism. In 1970, people like these spent one day a week being debriefed in Lubyanka and rest of their time collecting valuable compromat on their peers. Thank God for Internet that keeps them busy and away from live humans.


Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

what about "Yoel" M of Chestnut Ridge, is he scum or not?

Sanegor said...

He'd be the absolute opposite of such. When you arrive to the madreiges of a Shpitz Nugl of his left foot, consider your life has "gelongen".

Now why not go roll around some more with your gezhe buddies from boston, eh.