Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gestapo tactics of the Israeli police

As reported by Y-NET -,7340,L-3540707,00.html .

It seems that police, armed with mace, were waiting for a "just cause" at a demonstration by frum people, opposed to the Zionist regime and the State of Israel. As by a rehearsed scenario, an agent provocateur appeared few minutes before the siren with an Israeli flag - which, as he surely knew, is more then not just a symbol of all they stand against. Violence ensued and undercover police "rescued" the man by liberally spraying demonstrators' faces with tear gas.

Is everything really that well in that State that police must resort to stooges and provocators to punish politically incorrect demonstrators, who were on their territory and didn't harm or threaten anyone - until the much needed "victim" arrived ?

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