Sunday, February 10, 2008

Are there more "Haredi criminals" ?

This lowly creature regurgitates a new hairball of lies and hate. He grabs a teshuva by Unvgarer ruv and proceeds to take it out of context and hammer Ungvarer Rov, a talmid chochom if there were any, a respectable posek born in the Old Country whose credentials are re-confirmed by Eli Wiesel who spent time with him in concentration camps - with lowly ad hominem attacks; as if he knows the family; as if the stories of personal dirt that he freshly concocted from half truths and full lies have any credence; as if the creature has ever posted anything that didn't reek from fabrications, lies and unmitigated personal hatred that can only come from a thing that never achieved anything in life and is the very definition of a total loser, a קורח מכאן ומכאן.

One never knows what may pass as a "historical document" a couple hundred years from now, so perhaps it's good to go on record and state that not just that anything the creature has to say on this matter is total non-sense, R' Menashe's treatment of relevant subject is certainly worth examining if one is interested putting together a full and true halachic Anschanung (vs. a political one, where you know the answer before asking the question). And no, despite what the creature (and this one, and all too many others) would like you to believe there aren't more "haredi criminals". There are as many or as few as you would care to count.


Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky said...

You should write something of greater substance other than a post mostly bashing Shmaryah.
Otherwise your post is just the other side ofthe coin of his one.
Quote Ungavar Rov's position on this issue and explain it here and also post a comment on that blog which is unfortunatly much more popular than yours.

Sanegor said...

Substance doesn't come cheap; I'm quite happy to be on the other side of his coin - isn't that the definition of "yehudi" ?

And posting on his blog is a major "problem"; even those who do so to counter him will have to give some serious cheshbon one day, not to mention those who are in line with him. Whether or not he has a point from time to time is irrelevant; just like there is a mitzva to love your fellow Jew, there is a mitzva to hate creature like this betachlis hasin'a.